Our Story

Welcome to Scientific Portfolio, the latest commercial venture incubated within the research ecosystem of EDHEC Business School (EDHEC), one of Europe’s top business schools.

We have assembled a team with a broad range of expertise and backgrounds, including financial engineering, computer science, sustainable and climate finance, and institutional portfolio and risk management.

We proudly carry EDHEC's impactful academic heritage and aspire to provide investors with the technology they need to independently analyze and construct equity portfolios from both a financial and extra-financial perspective.


Bridging the gap between academic
finance and the investment management

EDHEC Business School founded the EDHEC-Risk Institute (ERI) in 2001 with the ambition to become the leading provider of academic thought leadership in the field of investment management.

ERI has successfully pursued this objective for over twenty years, establishing long-term partnerships with asset owners and asset managers globally, facilitating the dissemination of relevant academic ideas, particularly in the areas of factor investing, liability-driven investing and goal-based investing. In 2022, ERI made a strategic shift by focusing on climate finance and launching the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute (ERCII).

The EDHEC ecosystem has consistently demonstrated its commitment to and mission of bridging the gap between academic finance and the investment management industry. To this end, it has nurtured the creation of commercial ventures that leverage ERI’s intellectual property, and more importantly, align with its mission.

These include Scientific Beta, established in 2012 as a spin-off of EDHEC-Risk with a focus on the production of efficient equity factor indices, reaching approximately $60bn in assets under replication. In 2020, the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) took a majority stake in Scientific Beta alongside EDHEC. In the same spirit, Scientific Infra was launched in 2016 as a benchmarking and valuation solution provider specialized in unlisted infrastructure equity and debt assets, based on research and data created at the EDHEC Infrastructure Institute (EDHECinfra). In 2021, EDHECinfra was acknowledged by the G20 as a major contributor to closing the infrastructure data gap.

The latest of these ventures is Scientific Portfolio (SP), which proudly carries ERI’s heritage and brings it to market today.

Our Timeline

  • 2001arrowEDHEC Business School logo

    EDHEC Business School creates the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre (later renamed EDHEC-Risk Institute)

  • 2012arrowEDHEC-Risk Institute logo

    EDHEC-Risk Institute launches ERI Scientific Beta

  • 2016arrowEDHEC-RISK Institue logo

    EDHEC-Risk Institute launches EDHEC Infrastructure Institute

  • 2019arrowScientific Beta logo

    Scientific Beta is named Index Provider of the Year by Risk Magazine

  • 2020arrowSGX logo

    The Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) takes a majority stake in Scientific Beta alongside EDHEC

  • 2021arrowEDHEC Infra logo

    EDHECinfra is acknowledged as a major contributor to closing the infrastructure data gap by the G20

  • 2022arrowEDHEC-RISK Climate Impact INSTITUE logo

    EDHEC-Risk Institute becomes EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute

  • 2024arrowScientific Portfolio logo

    Scientific Portfolio, a new EDHEC venture, is launched to give investors the technology they need to independently analyze and construct their own equity portfolios

Our Mission

SP’s mission is to empower investors with the technology they need to independently analyze and construct equity portfolios. To achieve this, we offer investors three sources of value through our Portfolio Analysis & Construction platform:


Give investors access to a Knowledge Center catering to all types of learners and provide guidance through the portfolio analysis and construction process. This aligns with our commitment to remaining connected with our academic roots and wanting to bridge the gap between investors and academia.


Help investors to analyze their equity portfolios, identify actionable insights and enhance portfolios with allocation functionalities. Indeed, we like to promote portfolio analysis as a means to the concrete goal of building portfolios that are both more efficient and better aligned with their investment objectives.


Provide investors with an integrated framework where financial and extra-financial (ESG) considerations are jointly captured in analysis and portfolio construction. The ability to incorporate ESG-related insights in the portfolio allocation process is now a common requirement among many investors.